Sunday, July 11, 2010

Its gotta start somewhere.........

And it looks like this is where it starts!! I am going to be blogging throughout my weightloss to help myself stay on track and maybe help someone else along the way.

I started low carbing one month ago after stepping on a scale at the YMCA and discovering that I weighed over 380 lbs. Now, I have been out of work for a year, going thru bankruptcy and a foreclosure and semi depressed, but I did not realize that I had gotten that, really, I didnt.......which means I have been eating "unaware" and eating to medicate. My drug/alcohol of choice. ...So I am working again and out of the foreclosure thing and everything is back to normal, right??....UM, no. I may not have a job now, I may not even know where I am going to live in 4 months, but what I do have is CHOICE. I can choose what goes into my mouth, whether to work out or not, how to treat my family, whether to praise God in the situation or not----I have choice. and I have the promise that God is on my side and He wants to work all things together for my good.
So, I started this blog. I'm just learning how to do this and will get better at it as I go, but like all other things I am learning my biggest challenge is taking the
first step--so here I go